Saturday, October 31, 2009

Learn how to get started

Setting up your equipment:

Put your rod together, ensuring that the line guides (rings) are aligned. Attach the reel to your rod at the top of the handle, ensuring that the reel spool lines up with the rod's first line guide. Open the bale-arm of the reel and thread the line through all the line guides.

To attach the float, thread the line through the small eye at the base of the float.

Now, you have to add the shot to cock the float, ie make the float sit at the right level in the water. The float you select will have a guide printed on it, telling you how much split shot is needed. An important rule when float fishing is that the bulk of the split shot, around 90%, is placed at the base of the float. The rest of the shot should be smaller in size and spread equally down the line.

Next take a size 18 ready-tied hook to nylon from the packet and tie it to the end of the line.

Note: If fishing with a small pole you only need to connect the sections together up to the required length you wish to fish, then attach a length of line and a float as described above or attach a ready tied pole rig.

Next, you need to plumb the depth of the water you are fishing, ie find out how deep it is. Attach the plummet to the hook and let it hang below the float. Swing the plummet into the anticipated fishing area using a gentle under arm cast. The float will either sink or lie flat on the water depending on whether it is set too shallow or too deep. Bring the rig back in and adjust accordingly until the exact depth is found by sliding the float up or down the line until just the painted tip is showing above the water surface. Remember you want your hook to lie either on the bottom or just slightly above the bottom.

The float rig is now set up; remove the plummet and you’re ready to fish. Now set up the rest of your tackle so it is close at hand. You need to fish from a sitting position so get yourself comfortable on your chair or box and insert your rod rest in front of you so when you place the rod on it with butt of the rod on your knee the rod tip is just touching the water. Make sure your landing net is set up and your bait and catapult are at hand.


There are many different types of bait out on the market nowadays, but the most commonly known, and the bait which is eaten by nearly all fresh water species of fish is the maggot.

Starting your session:

When you begin your session it is recommended that you start off by feeding six to ten maggots at a time - this means throwing six to ten maggots into the water so that the fish get used to seeing the bait.. Keep feeding six to ten maggots every couple of minutes, even if you are not getting any bites. The key to successful loose feeding is to keep the bait trickling in. Feed little and often.

Attach one or two maggots to your hook, cast into your chosen swim and get ready to strike when your float is pulled by a fish eating your bait.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

my fishing experience at Kelong

last week I went fishing with my colleagues in the kelong in Gelang Patah. weather is very good and catches quite satisfactory. we catch a fish, stingrays and more than 20 fish gutter. notion to fish Siakap not achieved. his tips here carried live bait.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fishing Tips and Tricks

Fishing can be quite challenging if you are ether new to the sport or if you just simply lack the knowledge that is required to catch a lot of fish. Anyone can basically go out on a lake and catch a few fish, but it takes a pro fisherman to be able to catch his/her limit almost every time that they go fishing.

I am going to discuss a few tips and tricks that will help you improve your fishing skills. These tips are not hard at all to implement into your style and are quite easy to do. Just remember to try them out and see if they work for you. Some of them may work and some may not but at least you will be able to find something that will work for you.

In the future or when I get around to doing so I will include a section about fly fishing tips as well. I might just write another hub about it so be on the lookout for it.

Every fishing style and location is going to react differently, so be sure to always try new things to see what works best for you.

Fishing Tips

The first tip that I can give you is all about choosing the best location to fish from. If you have a boat or some kind of transportation on the water, you will be a lot better off then someone who has to fish from shore. If you have some money but do not have a boat, consider looking for one as they will make your fishing experience much more fulfilling and easier on your part.

Generally fish will stick to a location that has a lot of weeds and plants. The reason for this is because these areas are crawling with bugs and other things that fish love to feed on. It is a little bit annoying to fish in these locations because of the fact of potential snags but this is usually where the fish are. You are just going to have to learn how to deal with it unless you want to fish somewhere else.

On hot summer days the fish tend to go to deeper waters so these places might not work as well. When the water gets warm the fish will try to find cooler waters. This is usually underneath a drop of rocks or just simply deeper waters in the middle of the lake. A good Bass fishing tips is that Bass fish love to swim in deeper waters, so if you are going to go bass fishing you might want to keep that in mind.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fishing Tips For Beginners


There are many kinds of fishing equipments in stores, numerous fishing methods in books, and fishing advices online. To make it all simple, here are the basic things you need to know for your first time fishing adventure.

1) How to fish with bait
* Tackle. To plunk the bait, you should purchase lead weights. The weight of the lead would vary depending on the current of the environment. Anglers commonly use and recommend bank sinkers with a number-two hook.
To avoid sinkers to slide, you would need a swivel to act as a stop. To protect the knot, you could use plastic beads between the swivel and weight. Using two appropriate swivels could allow you to rig the sliding sinkers.
* Bait. The commonly used bait for all kinds of fishes is worms. Another popular bait is chicken liver. Remember to buy fresh bait and keep them cold to avoid them from getting soft and allowing the bait to stay within your hooks.
Some of the commonly used baits are cut-baits which include skin from fried chicken, fish entrails, grasshoppers, salmon eggs, shrimps and crayfish tails.

2) How to fish - There are three basic methods for fishing.
* Plunking - It is the most common method used. Use a suitable amount of weight for you to be able to take hold of the bait in a position which is against any current. An option in plunking is to use minimal weight for the bait to move along with the water current.
* Back bouncing - It is done by lifting the bait out the bottom and raising the tip of the rod for one to two feet. Allowing the bait to walk with the current, you should free the back reel or spool. Repeat the steps when the lure settles down on the bottom. Back bouncing is effective in deeper water like fishing in a boat.
* Drift-fishing - It is a simple method wherein you cast upstream or downstream. This may vary depending on the current's amount. You should count the appropriate depth and start reeling.

3) How to fish from a boat - It is important to determine in which location you would perform your fishing. Deeper water needs heavier jigheads compared when fishing on shore.
* With heavy weight which keeps your bait near the bottom of the water and the line straight down from your boat, you are able to drift the boat along with any current. A good technique of fishing on boats is trolling slowly with a fishing device called bottom-walker.
Fishing is easy as long as you're enjoying the trip. Bring some of your family and friends along and make your first time fishing a memorable one.
Travis Clemens is a life time fisherman and he knows the ins and outs of gettinem on the hook! You too can gettem on the hook with Travis as your guide

Sunday, October 11, 2009


头发夹具和猪肉外皮- 3 / 8盎司(smallmouths)
橡胶夹具和猪肉外皮- 3 / 8盎司或重(largemouths)
Spinnerbaits -使用猪肉外皮,如果需要的话。
对于地下诱饵,对比深色(紫spinnerbait /红色猪肉青蛙等),证明是有效天黑以后。对于topwaters,黑色是在大多数情况下的最佳选择,因为它提供了最强烈对比的鱼迎头赶上。常量检索最好是在夜间捕捞一topwater更少的,因为它错过了罢工的结果。

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Langkawi Fishing Competiton

Twenty teams from Thailand, Singapore, India and Malaysia have confirmed their participation in this year’s Langkawi International Fishing Tournament, which will be held for three days in Tukun Perak Island, starting Nov 12.

Langkawi Tourism Action Council facilities and services manager Suziana Wan Othman said Thailand would send four teams, Singapore (two), India (one) while the rest of some 120 anglers were from Malaysia.

Tukun Perak island, about 96 nautical miles of Langkawi, has been identified as the venue for the competition as the water there is home to many types of huge fish species.

The best team stands to win RM10,000 in cash while the first and second runners-up will receive RM7,000 and RM5,000 respectively.

The cash prize for the individual category is RM5,000 for the winner and RM3,000 and RM2,000 respectively for the first and second runners-up.

Further information can be obtained from the council at telephone number 04-9698080 or fax at 04-9698081.

– edited from BERNAMA